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Stallone’s Real Rocky Story

It’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can GET hit and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. 

~Stallone – Rocky Balboa

Check this video out!

Rocky Balboa is one of my all time favorite characters. My dad introduced me to the Rocky movies when I was a young kid and I have loved the movies ever since. The movies are great, but learning the real story behind the movies makes them even better for me. 

Sly was struggling to reach his dream of being an actor and writer. He talks about how at one time he lived in an apartment that was about the size of a large closet. He was so broke he had to sell his dog and has talked before about having to sell other things, like his wife’s jewelery. 

Check out the video for more about how Sly created the first Rocky movie. Sly knew he was destined to be the hero in his story! He would not accept anything else. Even when he was broke, he turned down the offer for over $300K to sell his script and NOT star in the movie. Sly knew he would regret it if he let someone else star in his work. He held firm that Rocky was his movie and he needed to play Rocky, and the rest is history!

A big shout out to the Mulligan Brothers YouTube channel! They have great motivational content that they provide for FREE on YouTube. Please show them some love! 

Thanks for reading! Don’t stop pushing towards your dreams! Be happy and healthy my friends! Be like Sly and become the hero in your version of Rocky that you are writing in your life every day!
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