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The Quarantine Akrasia Workout

Good Morning my friends! I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane out there in this crazy world! To kick off the new week on the positive this is The Workout of the Week, from This is The Quarantine Akrasia Workout.

In The Post…

Coming up in the post I will talk about the dreaded condition of Akrasia! If you have never heard of Akrasia, read on! I bet you might be suffering from it from time to time.

I know I act “akratically” sometimes!

Like yesterday when I could have been writing this post but instead played about 5 hours of Retro Bowl on my phone…

That’s some Akrasia right there!

Stay tuned to learn more, and about how to overcome Akrasia. Or, as Aristotle called it, to act in “Enkrateia“, the antonym to Akrasia. – Thanks Wikipedia!

Look For A Mid-Week The Food

Look for yet another bonus mid-week edition of The Food!

In case you missed last week’s, I made AN EPIC version of “Cheap Cuts of Beef Tacos” for Cinco de Mayo and Taco Tuesday! Click the link above for the recipe post. Peep the YouTube video right below!

In the Workout…

Coming up this week I am doing step goals, I will continue doing the Phil Daru Dumbbell workout video. There will be some Yoga-Stuff from the best, Yoga With Adriene. Aaand I will be doing a fun workout video from Nate Bower Fitness.


I have been putting this post off all week. Usually, my goal is to have The Workout of The Week done by Monday at 7 AM. That means writing all day Sunday most of the time.

Yesterday, the Akrasia got me. I didn’t work on the post at all!

I played Retro Bowl on my phone for 5 hours instead.

Yep, 5 hours. Wasted. Lost forever to the darkness of … whatever happens to time after it “goes by”…

Mother’s Day!

Then I called my Mom and talked to her for about an hour an a half. Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing Mothers!

I should Really Start the Post…

Then I did some other stuff. Still not working on this post…

The whole time I was thinking to myself, “I really need to get working on the Post for this week.”

And “I don’t even have a topic yet”.

And “Why am I not working on the post yet??”


That’s when it came to me.

Akrasia is the perfect topic! It is the exact thing I have been doing!

What is Akrasia???

Akrasia was talked about by smart “philosophy dudes” like Plato and Socrates and their students.

Akrasia is basically when people know they should do something or act in a different way, but they still act the same way… even though they know they shouldn’t.

They pick the option that results in a negative effect in the long run, vs. the option that is best.

A quick, low fruit example is, a person knows that smoking a cigarette is bad for them, but they do it anyway.

Or like me, I know that five straight hours of Retro Bowl on my phone was such a terrible waste of a day. But I did it anyway…

That, my friends, is what I think of as Akrasia in the context of this post. Much like procrastination.

Aristotle and Beating Akrasia

The worlds worst, dumb, and oversimplied example of philisophy is about to follow, you have been warned, lol. 🙂

Socrates is all like – Akrasia doesn’t really exist. No person in their right mind would act against what is best for them if they know it is the best decision.

Aristotle was like – Naaah homie, people still do dumb things. Akrasia exists for sure. But… we can overcome it. We can get to Enkrateia. People can act with self-control.


Enkrateia is translated from Greek to mean to have power or control over, something, or someone.

To Aristotle, Enkrateia is to have power over one’s self. Or to have self control.

How to?

So how do I go from being akratic to being in a state of enkrateia?

Set Your Intentions

Setting your intentions is a good way to overcome procrastination and akrasia.

Take a few minutes at the start of the day. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and then think about the things you want to do for the day. Look into your mind’s eye (imagine!!!) and see yourself doing those things. Keep breathing. Imagine yourself having a productive day.

Starting a day with intention will help with keeping on track.

Mindfulness or Meditation

I don’t know that I can say I really “Meditate”. At least not in the traditional sense. I do stuff like breathing and moving, like yoga or Thai Chi. Shadowboxing is like a form of moving mediation too, and I do that often.

I also will close my eyes and just focus on my breathe sometimes.

That’s pretty much my “mindfulness”, close my eyes and breathe. I don’t do it for long periods of time. It doesn’t really take much. A few minutes of that and I find I can focus on things much better.


Little Puny Specifically Aligned Goals.

“LIPSAGs” are another way to beat Akrasia.

Set small acheivable goals. I like to make lists with boxes and then put an X in the box.

I developed LPSAGs when I was a college student, studying online, and working 45+ hours a week. They helped me achieve success in school and on the job.

I still use them today.

LPSAGs are Akrasia killers.

Use LPSAGs to get your BHAGS – and kill the Akrasia!


ANTs – Automatic Negative Thoughts… are Silly. Crush them ANTs.

Kill Your ANTs


That my friends, is how we beat Akrasia. That is how we get to Enkrateia.

On to the Workout!

The Warm-up

Always do a dynamic warm-up before starting an exercise. This will get you ready for the work ahead and prevent injuries. Static streching should be done after the workout.

I do this warm-up from FightTips, like everyday, sometimes a few times. Before discing, before a workout, when I get out of bed. It’s great, peep te vid and check out all the cool content at FightTips!

Step Goals and The Count

I have the goal to get 7,000 steps or more on at least five days this week. 7-K-Steps-A-Day!

Last week The Count hit the last milestone, breaching and destroying the 900 miles mark! When last we spoke, the count was at 931.99 miles. Over the last week, I added another 32.5 miles. That brings the new total to 964.49 miles. There is a real chance that I might hit 1,000 miles in the next seven days!

Monday and Wednesday and Friday

I have been working in this great Dumbbell only workout that Phil Daru put out for the last few weeks. I am liking it. So I am getting this one in three times this week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Phil has some really good content. Bruh is like a walking manual in these videos. He does a great job explaining things. Thanks Phil!

Tuesday and Thursday

On Tuesday and Thursday I will be doing this great workout from Nate Bower Fitness. Shadowboxing HIIT workouts! Nate has great workouts on his channel. Check him out!

When I started doing these videos I was over 200lbs. This type of stuff is part of almost all of my workouts now. Today, I am just under 170lbs. Nate’s content definitely helped this dude out!

AAand Hangin With my Homie Adriene

This week I have a goal to get through a couple of Yoga with Adriene Videos.

Monday and Tuesday morning I am doing the Day 12 of 2020 30 days of Yoga.

Thursday and Friday I will be doing day 13 of the 2020 30 days of Yoga.

Wrap it UP!

Thank you so much for reading! Thanks to Phil Daru, Nate Bower Fitness, and Yoga With Adriene for the great free content. Please, check them out!

Be happy and healthy my friends. Be the hero or heroine in your story and beat that Quarantine Akrasia!

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