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The Don’t Give Up Workout

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Good Morning my friends! I hope everyone had a great week last week. To kick off this week on the positive, this is The Workout of the Week from This is the Don’t Give Up Workout.

This past week has been a roller coaster ride for me, your friendly neighborhood GoodAttitudeFood Dude. I started the week on a high, after getting my first gig as a fitness trainer.

And then the wheels fell off that bus, Haha! I got an email on Tuesday from the gym owner, stating that the small group class program was on hold indefinitely. I was asked to turn in my key fob.

The plug has been pulled. I dropped my fob off on Friday. That opportunity is no more.

Be like this tree. Keep growing no matter how broken.
Coolest tree in Minnesota (that I have seen) #C.P. Adams Park – Hastings MN.
The main trunk is broken, even has a hole in it. But there is a whole side branch that is a big, vibrant, thriving tree! This tree always reminds me – Do Not Ever Give Up!

What Are You Made Of, Kid?

Well, to say I was shocked that I didn’t have a trainer job after-all would be an understatement. To say I was disappointed would be another understatement.

I had a gig as a trainer for four days and then the dream was over. Tuesday was a rough day at the “day time gig” with lots of challenges. Then to find out my new part-time trainer gig was over before it started…

Tuesday was a challenge.

The Old Me

The old me would have tucked his tail, dropped his head, and let those old A.N.T.s come back and take over.

Kill Your ANTs

I Have Not Come This Far To Only Come This Far!

I was feeling sorry for myself on Tuesday.

Then I went out and played a round of disc. #ZenSport. I spent most of the round going over things in my head.

Then I remembered who I used to be.

That dude who never tried anything beyond what came easy. Who never had any goals. Who never pushed beyond the pain of anything.

I thought back to when I was 245lbs. When I wore XXL shirts. When I was at rock bottom.

That Guy Is NO MORE!

I remembered when I first bought my spin bike and started doing GCN videos.

How I worked my butt off (90lbs worth) for over three years to get in shape. All the work and sweat and tears and pain. I remembered all the motivational media I have listened to.

I remembered how as a part-time college student at age 28 – working full time – I told myself “no matter what I am going to work to get an A in every class I take”. I did that in all but three classes while earning my AAS and BA. #LPSAGs!

I remembered when after six years of college, electing not to walk for my graduation, at age 34, I walked out to my car with my second college degree in hand. I opened up that envelope and read the words Summa Cum Laude under my name. I had no idea that I was given that honor.

I remembered the words “I haven’t come this far to only come this far”.

Thanks to Fearless Motivation for this great message – Life Changer!

When A Door Closes…

Wednesday I woke up motivated to keep going. That morning I applied to six trainer jobs.

Out of that, I have gotten three phone interviews, an in-person interview on Friday and another on Monday.

When a door closes, find more doors! 🙂

LPSAGs Make Any Goal Possible!

LPSAGs are my way to deal with any challenge.

Little Puny Specifically Aligned Goals.

If there is a big goal to go after, it can seem impossible. NOTHING (outside of defying the laws of nature/physics) is impossible.

LPSAGs make Big Goals – BHAGs – achievable.

LPSAGs to get your BHAGs.

Change is Coming – Keep Going

Yesterday I made another big change. I traded in my 2016 Charger for a different vehicle. I absolutely love my “Henrietta” – my Charger. Loved every moment in this car, almost. I had a couple of bad moments too, but those are another story.

I got her when I was still a student. While I was in the process of losing weight. While I was teaching myself how to be a business pro. While I was in serious growth and mind-reprogramming mode in my life.

I called her my “hero-car”. I said to myself, “if I was a hero, what kind of car would I drive?”. At the time, I needed something to push me to the next level. That was my Henrietta.

I will love this car forever, but it is time to move on.

Before I Knew I Was Already The Hero

That was before I knew I was the hero in this story the whole time.

It might sound silly, but getting that car changed my image of myself and that pushed me to the next level.

Ultimately, she led me to know it ain’t about the car, it’s about the driver.

Now I am in a different place. My budget is different. I had roommates and no student loan payment when I got the Charger. Now I have a massive student loan and I have my own apartment.

I needed something that fit my budget better. I got a new lease on 2019 vehicle (literally had 28 miles on it when I drove off the lot). I was able to free up another $50+ a month with the new lease deal!

AAaannd, I can fit my bike in the Renegade without having to leave the back seat folded down!

Keep Moving Forward – No Matter What

Life is Change! Be agile and adapt, or get left behind.

I am going to keep moving forward. A setback is not the end. It’s motivation to be better and keep going. Things that are hard are hard because they are worth it. Learn a lesson, apply the lesson, and move forward.

No matter what! Keep Moving Forward.

Skipping the music section this week. Instead just listening to Fearless Motivation stuff!

On To The Food!

Semi-Homemade Chicken Stew!

I teased this recipe a couple of weeks ago. I remade it on Sunday and man is it tasty!

Cook all that on that in the slow cooker until the wild rice is done. Mine took about three hours or so. Then enjoy.

I like to leave it on warm, in the crockpot, and much on it all day! 🙂

The Workout

7-K Steps – 4 days or more

I am rocking the steps. 7-K-steps-a-day four days or more this week. Counting miles up to 1,000 miles

Over this past week, I nailed my steps goals! I hit 69,406 steps. According to my Samsung Health App, that equals out to 27.13 miles

Counting Up to 1,000 Miles Walked

Last week my miles walked were at 149.82. After Sunday 10/27, adding the 27.13 for the week, I am at 176.95 miles walked.

Getting there, one step a time! 🙂

Intervals 30×30 x 10 – Shadow Boxing and Abs

Shadow boxing moves, punch combos, with weighted gloves, for 30 seconds.

Then abs for 30 seconds.

Combos – 1, 2 jabs, hooks, maybe throw in some kicks or high knees. Fung Fu stuff! It’s all good, have some fun!

Then switch to abs moves – planks, crunches, sit-up twist toe touches, and leg raises and then T-Push-ups! For 30 seconds

10 x 30X30. 30 seconds of all-out combos, 30 seconds of abs work. BOOM! Awesome workout in like 10 minutes!


I found a really good “Yoga for men” video from Breathe and Flow’s great YouTube Channel. Check their channel out! They have hours of great Yoga! This is a great routine! I will be trying to get this one in at least three times this week.

Disc Golf?

If the weather cooperates, I will be trying to get in some rounds of disc golf, like every day possible!

Make It A Great Week

There you have it my peeps! Thank you so much for reading! Thank you to all the content providers. Special shout out to Fearless Motivation, their videos, Spotify channel, and messages have been super-important in my life and they are a go-to motivational media source. Make it a great week!

Be happy and healthy my friends! Write a story where you’re “hero-character” (or heroine-character) doesn’t give up! On the other side of the challenges, your hero (heroine) character will find the best rewards! And no matter what – do not give up!

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